Friday, April 22, 2011

Forward, march!

The other day S told me, "I posted something on the blog.  It's a little different from the usual posts about babies and crafts."

Excuse me?  What did you say?  What are you trying to insinuate, mister?

We don't have a baby!  So, really just crafts.  Get it right!

Finally, FINALLY I am starting to feel some forward motion in my life.  Nothing's really happening, nothing new anyway, but something kicked me out of the rut that I was calling home. 

My home sweet rut looked something like this-

I should look for a job in OKC, eh...
I should practice something musical that I do for a living, eh...
Go for a run?  eh...
You're doing that 3-day thing again, maybe you should fund raise, eh...
Call your friend, eh...
Let's choose some more PhD programs!  eh...

Sensing a theme?  Do you get this way or is it just my lazy self?  

Well, I sold the rut for a nice profit (changed the flooring, added an island to the really brought up the value) and am moving forward slowly.  Moving forward slowly looks something like this-

Oh, there's my resume.  
I could do that job, I guess.
Good morning Buddy, let's get out of bed.
Call the dentist.
Roast a chicken.

I'm headed downstairs now to roast a chicken.  I am terrified of the giblets that I will have to extract.  Terrified.  Wish me luck. 

Psst...I want to make an envy-inducing slide show of our Alaska pictures to share on here but I am not motivated to figure out how to do it!  Any suggestions?


  1. yay for running right up that hill, Renee :)

    and good luck with that chicken roasting. let me know how it goes!

    I used to use for slideshows.

    or, I now use animoto. there's a free version that does 30 second videos or I can tell you how to log into my account and you can make a full length one. I'd be glad for you to use it!!!

  2. Do you have a mac? If so, you could spend days and days making a gorgeous photo-filled MOVIE in iMovie. It's really quite easy once you play with it for a few minutes, and you can time the music to go with the switches and whatnot. Then you could burn it onto a DVD to keep forever (or until DVDs are old and defunct), which would be REALLY impressive. :)

    YOU CAN DO IT!! [Whatever "it" is...] Sometimes I think we need the ruts. They're useful for something.
